

RPA-AI (Robotic Process Automation)

Robotic process automation (RPA) is the term utilized for programming devices that in partly or completely automate human exercises that are manual, rule-based, and tedious. They work by recreating the activities of a real human collaborating with at least one programming applications to perform undertakings, for example, information passage, process standard transactions, or react to straightforward client administration inquiries. Undoubtedly, the “chat bot” that has begun to end up pervasive on sites is quite often a Robotic process automation device, not a human. It can deal with the run of the mill standard inquiries like “where is X on the site”, “how would I reset my secret word”, and such.

Professor Leslie Willcox, an expert in technology, work, and globalization at the London School of Economics, notes that robotic process automation enhances human skills and “takes the robot out of the human.” (aiim, 2019)

Benefits & What is RPA

We've all heard the stories about how robotic process automation (RPA) can augment repetitive, mundane, and error prone clerical task. And, there's good reason RPA has received all the recent hype. First and foremost, it is return on investment (ROI); RPA pundits promise a return on investment anywhere from 30% to 300% in the first year. But it is not just a “build it and ROI will come” scenario, there are different flavors and uses for RPA. For many companies, RPA is a game changer; saving them time and money on repetitive manual tasks. From attended automation, where your human workforce uses RPA to accelerate work, to unattended and hybrid human/robot RPA, robotic process automation offers a real-world solution to a real-world problem.


Our Approach towards RPA

  • RPA Readiness and Opportunity Assessment- Identify if and where RPA can add the most value to you
  • Proof of Concept- Experience the future potential for yourself
  • Making the Business Case- Through a current cost assessment and future savings analysis
  • Vendor Selection & Pilot Development- Vendor neutral assessment & implement quick win opportunities
  • Preparing you to run your new 'Robotics Shop' - Developing additional skills around maintenance, support, testing and quality assurance

Top 10 Use Cases

Top 10 common use cases for RPA in
Top 10 common use cases for RPA in manufacturing companies
  1. Here are the top 10 common use cases for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in manufacturing companies:
  2. Inventory Management: RPA can automate the process of tracking inventory levels, notifying employees when stock is low, and even placing orders automatically.
  3. Accounts Payable: RPA can streamline the accounts payable process by automatically processing invoices, matching them with purchase orders and receipts, and updating payment information.
  4. Order Processing: RPA can automate the entire order processing cycle, from receiving orders to shipping products. This includes tasks such as data entry, order confirmation, and shipping label generation.
  5. Quality Control: RPA can automate the quality control process by inspecting products for defects, ensuring they meet industry standards, and flagging any issues for human intervention.
  6. Customer Service: RPA can handle customer service tasks such as responding to inquiries, updating customer information, and processing returns.
  7. Data Management: RPA can help manage large volumes of data by automating data entry, data migration, and data reconciliation.
  8. Compliance: RPA can help manufacturing companies comply with regulatory requirements by automating compliance-related tasks such as data collection, reporting, and auditing.
  9. Supply Chain Management: RPA can streamline the supply chain by automating tasks such as demand planning, purchase order management, and shipment tracking.
  10. Human Resources: RPA can automate HR processes such as employee onboarding, performance management, and benefits administration.
  11. Maintenance and Repair: RPA can automate the maintenance and repair process by scheduling maintenance tasks, tracking equipment performance, and alerting employees when repairs are needed.
Top 10 common use cases for RPA in banking and finance companies
  1. Here are the top 10 common use cases for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in banking and finance companies:
  2. Customer Onboarding: RPA can automate the process of onboarding new customers by collecting and verifying data, running background checks, and opening accounts.
  3. Loan Processing: RPA can automate the loan processing cycle, including tasks such as data collection, credit scoring, and document verification.
  4. Accounts Payable/Receivable: RPA can streamline the accounts payable/receivable process by automating tasks such as invoice processing, payment posting, and account reconciliation.
  5. Fraud Detection: RPA can help detect fraudulent transactions by analyzing patterns in transaction data and flagging suspicious activities for review.
  6. Compliance: RPA can help banking and finance companies comply with regulatory requirements by automating compliance-related tasks such as data collection, reporting, and auditing.
  7. Customer Service: RPA can handle customer service tasks such as responding to inquiries, updating customer information, and processing requests.
  8. Claims Processing: RPA can automate the claims processing cycle for insurance companies by collecting data, verifying claims, and processing payments.
  9. Investment Management: RPA can automate investment management tasks such as portfolio management, data analysis, and reporting.
  10. Wealth Management: RPA can assist in wealth management by automating tasks such as data collection, portfolio analysis, and investment recommendations.
  11. Data Entry and Management: RPA can help manage large volumes of data by automating data entry, data migration, and data reconciliation.
Top 10 common use cases for RPA in trading companies
  1. Here are the top 10 common use cases for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in trading companies:
  2. Market Data Collection: RPA can automate the process of collecting market data from various sources, such as news sites and financial databases.
  3. Trading Operations: RPA can help with trading operations by automating tasks such as trade execution, order management, and portfolio reconciliation.
  4. Risk Management: RPA can assist in risk management by automating tasks such as risk assessment, compliance monitoring, and reporting.
  5. Settlement and Clearing: RPA can automate the settlement and clearing process by verifying transactions, reconciling accounts, and processing payments.
  6. Trade Processing: RPA can automate trade processing tasks such as data entry, trade matching, and confirmation.
  7. Order Routing: RPA can automate the process of routing orders to the appropriate exchange or market.
  8. Market Analysis: RPA can assist in market analysis by collecting and analyzing data to provide insights into market trends and opportunities.
  9. Customer Service: RPA can handle customer service tasks such as responding to inquiries, updating customer information, and processing requests.
  10. Compliance: RPA can help trading companies comply with regulatory requirements by automating compliance-related tasks such as data collection, reporting, and auditing.
  11. Data Management: RPA can help manage large volumes of data by automating data entry, data migration, and data reconciliation.
Top 10 common use cases for RPA in recruitment companies
  1. Here are the top 10 common use cases for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in recruitment companies:
  2. Resume Screening: RPA can automate the process of screening resumes, matching candidates to job requirements, and ranking them based on suitability.
  3. Candidate Sourcing: RPA can help with candidate sourcing by automating the process of searching for potential candidates across various job boards and social media platforms.
  4. Interview Scheduling: RPA can automate the process of scheduling candidate interviews by coordinating with both the candidate and the hiring team.
  5. Pre-Employment Screening: RPA can help with pre-employment screening by automating tasks such as background checks, reference verification, and skills assessment.
  6. Onboarding: RPA can help with onboarding new hires by automating tasks such as data entry, document processing, and orientation scheduling.
  7. Candidate Relationship Management: RPA can help manage candidate relationships by automating tasks such as email communication, follow-ups, and updates on application status.
  8. Reporting and Analytics: RPA can assist in reporting and analytics by collecting and analyzing data on recruitment processes, such as time-to-hire and candidate sources.
  9. Compliance: RPA can help recruitment companies comply with regulatory requirements by automating compliance-related tasks such as data collection, reporting, and auditing.
  10. Contract Management: RPA can help manage contracts with candidates, vendors, and clients by automating tasks such as contract creation, review, and renewal.
  11. Data Management: RPA can help manage large volumes of data by automating data entry, data migration, and data reconciliation.

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