
G3 Sustainability

(Global Green Governance)

Environmentally Invested For Enterprises

Products and Services

Milores sustainability products and services concept is called G3 (Global Green Governance); Our product is Digitalized Ecosystem for SAAS as good as sustainable cost for all kind industries for Carbon Trade, Disclosures, Reporting and analysis.

Our G3 concept provide detailed consulting services prior to implement Solution to our Clients needs.

We are equipped with Senior Industry Solutionists, Architects, Developments and Analysists to build the G3 requirements for the Green environment.

Plug and play solution to work with the existing Enterprise solution SaaS Based Software

Our software supports end to end carbon management process in a single platform.

End to End carbon Management Process

Calculate, reduce, disclose and offset carbon footprint based on international carbon accounting standards


Transparent and platform with multiparty collaboration covering, Auditors, Sustainability Financiers and other 3rd Parties supporting the tracking of SDG initiatives

Digital Transformation

Transparent, Immutable and Auditable record of ESG initiatives with NFT based certification


Our team of dedicated sustainability experts are committed to working alongside companies to understand the business risks and opportunities that sustainability issues pose, and how best to apply those within existing company structures and strategies.

Headquartered in Singapore

Singapore based Climate-tech company helping organizations in their journey to Net Zero

We provide solutions, consultancy and advisory services for Companies in their Net Zero Journey

Pathway to Net Zero - G3(Global Green Governance)


Speed up your ESG Plan and Risk mitigation in weeks

Goal Setting
Goals Setting

It helps enterprise to plan and adopt measures to implement appropriate process to reach the defined sustainability targets


Calculate, reduce, disclose and offset carbon footprint based on international carbon accounting standards


It helps enterprises to analyze current levels of sustainability across a comprehensive range of metrics and provides guidance to help meet sustainability goals

Track and Revise
Track and Revise

Track your progress on the Goals with actual data from the internal systems. Revise your goals and risk appetite based on the changes to the business environments. Exchange REC's with other organization through NFT based Tokens


Helping companies in their journey to net zero

ESG Strategy

Be a ESG Strategy company by Creating a reporting framework that includes ESG issues, targets and initiatives, performance metrics, internal and external reporting standards

Active Management

Report your ESG performance and show how it aligns with your business strategy. Ambitious sustainable strategy requires the active management of ESG elements and their integration into every fiber of the organization

Active Engagement

Enables customer to make corrective measures and also offsetting it with the help of certified climate projects.


Being a Frontrunner will provide insight into the company's progress in terms of commitments and the impact of a company's investments.

Punch above your Weight

Doing good : Being Planet inclusive

When your investment decisions are intended to have a positive impact for a better society in the longer term, being profitable as a company becomes an inevitable outcome.